As we ring in the new year and all the excitement that it brings, we wanted to take a moment to look back on some of our favorite topics from the past twelve months.
We hope that the following list of our favorite blog posts from 2024 helps our readers in 2025, whether their goal is to buy a new home, pursue financial stability, or even just learning more about resources available in the housing industry.
We're kicking this off with a podcast about a topic that affects everyone: interest rates. Tune into this episode to learn more about how interest rates are set and how home buyers can use that knowledge to get the best rate possible.
Did you know that TSAHC recently refreshed our mission, vision, and value statements? Our staff went through a months-long collaborative process that culminated in 2024 with updated statements that not only reflected our current staff members but also our updated program offerings. Not to toot our own horns, but we'd recommend clicking the link above and taking a look!
Every year, the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University releases America's Rental Housing report which documents the state of the rental market and how renters are faring with the ever-changing conditions. This year, for the first time, more than half of renters are housing cost burdened, an important reminder that our work in this industry is more important than ever.
Everyone say "Happy birthday!" to our On the House blog! This blog was created on August 1, 2014 to spotlight the housing industry, its affordability issues, TSAHC's programs, and other helpful resources. It's always nice to look back on your growth and accomplishments and that's why this is a favorite post, because it features a timeline of milestones that On the House has hit over the past ten years.
If there's one thing that we love highlighting, it's innovative ideas in the housing industry. In this blog post, we took a look at some staggering numbers when it comes to housing affordability for teachers. Read more to see what several Central Texas school districts are doing to help their teachers find comfortable places to live.
Did you know that new rules went into effect late this past year for REALTOR® compensation? We'd recommend taking a look back at this blog post to get a quick debrief of the changes that were made, along with how home buyers might be affected by the change.
Our staff and partner spotlight pieces are always some of our favorite posts to write because they showcase the people behind the work that we that we do. As a sort of unsung hero, Jesse isn't someone whose face you'll find in a lot of our social media posts. However, that's usually because, as our Lead Maintenance Technician, Jesse spends most of his time out in the field handling the maintenace, rennovations, and inspections of the apartments and single family homes that are a part of TSAHC's Rental Program. Take a moment to meet the TSAHC staff member who's doing his part to keep Texans' homes comfortable, safe, and affordable!
Coming up with the down payment for a home is one of the biggest hurdles that home buyers face on their journey to owning a home. We also realize that the majority of home buyers likely aren't as well-versed as TSAHC staff members are in finding and comparing different down payment assistance programs. This blog post presents several different resources that home buyers can use to make their homebuying journey simpler and more affordable.
While we put out a post celebrating Veterans Day every year, we wanted to highlight this post due to the sheer number of resources that it has. If you or someone you know is a veteran that is searching for housing, legal, employment, health, or general veteran-specific help, we'd recommend giving this post a read.
From all of us at TSAHC, we wish you the best in the new year, and we look forward to supporting each other in the months to come!
If you're interested in learning more about TSAHC's accomplishments from this past year and what we hope to achieve in 2025, check out our Draft 2025 Annual Action Plan which is available for public comment until January 17, 2025.
On the House blog posts are meant to provide general information on various housing-related issues, research and programs. We are not liable for any errors or inaccuracies in the information provided by blog sources. Furthermore, this blog is not legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice from a licensed professional attorney.
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Approved comments will be published in their entirety. Personal information will not be removed unless it pertains to someone other than the person submitting the comment. For more information, please see our Comment Posting Guidelines.
To remove a previously submitted and published comment, please contact Anna Orendain at [email protected].
If you have a question regarding any of TSAHC's programs, please contact us.