Affordable Communities of Texas (ACT)

The Affordable Communities of Texas (ACT) program is a statewide land banking and land trust initiative which assists local nonprofit and governmental entities with the acquisition and redevelopment of distressed properties. To date, TSAHC has developed partnerships with more than 25 locally based affordable housing partners. We combine our expertise in acquiring land and foreclosed properties with local developer’s knowledge of best construction practices and community needs. Please click on the links below for more information on the ACT program.

Land Banking

Our land banking program focuses on short to mid-term development projects targeting homeownership. Homes are built or remodeled to expand access to affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households. In addition to partnering with nonprofits, TSAHC can help local governments manage local land banks, and work with for profit builders in underserved communities.

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Land Trust and Joint Ventures

TSAHC was created with the same powers as local housing finance corporations, the ability to hold land as tax-exempt in perpetuity. Housing that is part of a land trust partnership can provide long-term affordability for both homeownership and rental projects, by lowering the cost of taxes, with the savings passed on to homeowners and renters.

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ACT Success Stories

Click here to read our ACT success stories.

Click here to read out annual ACT brochure and report.



Properties for Sale

TSAHC and our local partners often have properties for-sale. Most homes have been developed as affordable housing and have resale and income restrictions. From time-to-time TSAHC acquires lots or homes and cannot redevelop them for affordable housing. These properties are also listed on our For-Sale Properties website.

Click here to view properties that are currently for-sale.

Program Policies

Below are links to our program policies. Potential applicants should familiarize themselves with these before submitting any applications.

ACT - Program Policies
ACT - Joint Venture Guidelines