The Texas Housing Impact Fund, administered by the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation, offers financing for the acquisition and construction of affordable rental projects across Texas. The Fund supports projects that create opportunities, healthier environments, more mobility, and a higher quality of life for low- and moderate-income families.
Through the Texas Housing Impact Fund, TSAHC provides short and long-term loans to developers seeking to build affordable housing, with an emphasis on empowering local nonprofit builders. Our loan products provide competitive rates and can be combined with other financing products to give developers the flexibility they need to create sustainable housing in Texas.
TSAHC currently has the following loan products available under the Texas Housing Impact Fund.
Aquisition and Construction Support for Multifamily Housing
Revolving Lines of Credit for Homeownership
Developers interested in applying for funding must first schedule a virtual meeting with TSAHC prior to receiving application materials. Once TSAHC staff and the Developer have agreed that the proposed project fulfills TSAHC’s program guidelines, we will provide an electronic copy of the application materials via email.
To schedule a meeting, click here.
**PLEASE NOTE: Applications and other information submitted to TSAHC is subject to the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, and may be subject to disclosure to the public.
Click here to view the 2023 Texas Housing Impact Fund Investment Report.
View Previous THIF Investment Reports
TSAHC uses program revenue and private funding to provide loans to nonprofit and for profit housing developers, including grants, equity equivalent investments (EQ2), donations and program-related investments (PRI). Your investment in our Texas Housing Impact Fund program will help TSAHC help a local developer create affordable housing. Get more information by clicking Become an Investor.