December 8, 2023 | by Anna Orendain
Categories: First Time Buyer, Homeownership, Podcast
As much as we LOVE talking about everything about homeownership, we know how intimidating the homebuying process can be, especially for first-time home buyers. That's why our very own Frank Duplechain sat down with Angela Guerrero and Victoria Garcia with Avenue to discuss how to combat higher interest rates, become better educated on the homebuying process, and finally break into homeownership!
This podcast episode was originally recorded as part of a webinar hosted by Avenue in late October 2023. Listen in around minute 13 to catch an overview of our programs!
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Angela joined Avenue in 2016 as a Community Coordinator and now serves as the Manager of Realty Services. As a third-generation resident of Northside, she has a passion for community transformation and civic engagement and is privileged to not only live in the neighborhood but also to work in it. Angela has several years of experience working in the health and nonprofit sector. Angela holds a B.S. in Social Sciences and minors in Public Policy & Administration, Sociology, and Urban Studies from the University of Houston-Downtown.
Victoria joined Avenue’s Asset Building Team in 2018 to assist with post-Harvey housing recovery, and now assists potential homebuyers as a Housing Counselor. She first served the Near Northside in 2012 as a community leader participating with Avenue’s GO Neighborhoods program, on the GO Health Team. Prior to joining Avenue, Victoria has worked in the non-profit sector for over 10 years. Her interest in healthy communities led her to develop and implement various healthy living initiatives for underserved communities. She hopes to link past project experiences to her new role in guiding local residents towards safe and healthy homes that can provide for their daily needs of life.
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