Refinancing of MCC Application (Request for New MCC)

If your MCC Number begins with "TDH" then your MCC was issued by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). Please contact TDHCA to reissue your MCC.



In order to complete your application, an MCC Reissuance Fee of $100 must be paid via credit card or check.

1. To pay with a credit card, click here. While our payment processor will invite you to cover the transaction fees, this is not required.

2. Payment by check may be sent to the following address:

Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation
Attn: Donnetta McGrew
6701 Shirley Avenue
Austin, TX 78752

Please be sure to include the Applicant(s), Residence Address and MCC Number on the check.


The borrower (whether one or more), being the owner(s) of the above residence (the Residence), and the holder of a Mortgage Credit Certificate (the MCC) issued in connection with the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation’s Mortgage Credit Certificate Program, does hereby depose and say, under penalty of perjury and the civil penalties outlined herein, that each of the following statements are, correct and complete in all respects:

1.Property. The refinanced loan pertains to the same property to which the original MCC related, which is the Residence described above.

2.Replacement of Entire MCC. The new MCC replaces the original MCC in its entirety. No portion of the original MCC is being retained with respect to any portion of the outstanding balance of the original loan amount specified on the original MCC.

3.Certified Indebtedness. The certified mortgage indebtedness specified on the reissued MCC does not exceed the remaining outstanding balance of the certified mortgage indebtedness specified on the existing MCC.

4.MCC Credit Rate. The new MCC will be at the same credit rate as the original MCC.

5.No Increase in Tax Credit Amounts. The borrower acknowledges that in the event the maturity of the refinanced loan is a date later than the maturity of the original loan, the new MCC will expire as of the original maturity date so that there shall be no increase in the tax credit amounts under the new MCC for any tax year over the amounts which would have been available under the original MCC.

6.Date of Refinancing. The date of the refinancing stated above is the true and correct date their financing documents were executed.

7.Reaffirmation of the Original Obligations. The borrower further reaffirms all of the representations, obligations and agreements covered under the documents signed in connection with obtaining the original MCC and acknowledges that all such obligations and agreements shall continue in full force and effect in connection with the new MCC.

8.Revocation of Mortgage Credit Certificate. The borrower understands that is any of the statements set forth herein are not true, correct and complete in all respects, or that if federal law or regulations disqualify further participation in the MCC Program, the MCC Program, the MCC may be immediately revoked.

9.Penalty. The statements set forth herein are made under penalty of perjury and the following civil penalties. Any material misstatement in any affidavit or certification made in connection with application for or issuance of an MCC due to my negligence shall result in a civil penalty.