The Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) (Gov. Code Chapter 552) affords the public with the right to access government information and records. TSAHC is committed to upholding the policies of the TPIA and to ensuring that public access to public information is preserved.
All requests for public information must be received in writing by mail, hand delivery, fax or email at:
Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation
6701 Shirley Avenue
Austin, TX 78752
Attention: Public Information Officer
Fax: (512) 477-3557
E-mail: [email protected]***
Please note that TSAHC retains the right to charge for public information requests. For detailed information about the imposition of charges and other Open Records Procedures, click here.
***The Open Records email address is for official Open Records requests only. To request a loan payoff related to our home buyer programs, please contact LoanCare directly. Click here for additional instructions.