May 21, 2021 | by Michael Wilt
Categories: Affordable Housing, Construction
As home prices and rents continue to escalate, innovations that drive down the cost of housing are more important than ever. Since 2019, Ivory Innovations -- a Utah-based organization that brings together stakeholders to advance solutions to the national housing affordability crisis -- has recognized housing innovation through its Ivory Prize for Housing Affordability awards.
This past year, the organization received 160 nominations from 39 states that feature "ambitious, feasible, and scalable solutions to housing affordability" in three categories: finance, construction and design, and public policy and regulatory reform. They also focused on solutions that sought to address historic inequalities related to race and housing.
Ivory Innovations announced the Top 25 finalists for the Ivory Prize earlier this year. To recognize these inspiring organizations, we’ve highlighted five of the finalists below, including the three from Texas.
We invite you to check out the complete list of the Top 25 finalists here. To learn more about Ivory Innovations and their work, click here.
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