July 21, 2017 | by Katie Claflin
Categories: Affordable Housing, Multifamily Oversight, Spotlight
This week we are spotlighting James Matias, Manager of Asset Oversight and Compliance at TSAHC. James has more than 13 years of experience in the housing industry and just celebrated his fifth anniversary at TSAHC this spring.
Below is our interview with James to help you get to know him better.
Tell us a little bit about your experience in housing.
My experience in housing began in 2004 when I acquired my real estate license. My real estate experience led me to property management, and from 2008 to 2012, I worked for a company that managed foreclosed assets for banks.
In 2012 I started with TSAHC providing asset oversight and compliance monitoring to multifamily properties financed through TSAHC’s tax-exempt bond and Texas Housing Impact Fund programs. Over the past 5 years I have obtained numerous certifications and expanded my experience to include co-managing our single family and multifamily rental programs as well.
What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?
I am most proud of being a father of three. It is a tremendous responsibility to help mold children into the people that they will eventually become. My job as father is far from complete, but I am very proud of what I’ve accomplished so far.
What do you like most about working at TSAHC?
I love helping deserving families get into homes that they might not be able to afford without our programs. The people I work with and atmosphere at TSAHC are pretty awesome as well.
What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
Getting somewhere without adversity will not provide you the tools to be successful once adversity arises. Be grateful for the obstacles you face when traveling on any journey.
If time and money were no issue, what skill would you most like to master?
Definitely golf. I love to play the game even as a novice, but I bet it’s even more fun when you have a low handicap.
What fad or trend do you hope comes back into style?
I am personally a fan of the mullet haircut. I would love to see more of that if possible.
What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
I really enjoy spending time outside with my wife and kids. When the weather is cooler, we love to hike and go to sporting events, local festivals, and the lake.
Tell us a random fact about yourself that most people don’t know.
I have some oddly timed and selective OCD tendencies. I will use napkins to pull out a chair or hold a menu at a restaurant, but if I drop an M&M on the ground, I may very well pick it up and eat it. 5 seconds, right!
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